Solo Step Fall Protection and Balance System at Park Manor Rehabilitation

For those of you unfamiliar with the Solo Step, it’s a device designed to prevent patients from falling while also aiding and encouraging their balance. Consisting of an overhead aluminum track and trolley mounted to the ceiling with an attached harness, the Solo Step offers numerous benefits in addition to fall prevention:

  • It instills confidence in patients facilitate maximum recovery from neurological and musculoskeletal deficits
  • It protects patients from injuries as well as the therapists providing care
  • It provides support during all aspects of therapy, including sit-to-stand, ambulation, balance training and climbing stairs
  • It only requires one therapist when used on mid- to high-level patients

After performing a series of standardized tests and interventions with the Solo Step among a selection of low-, mid- and high-level patients, we observed the following results:

[include graph from Park Manor Solo Step poster showing results]

By Sonya Taylor OTR/L, DOR, Crystal Eno DPT and Kelsey Kellar SPT